All Things New offers a program dedicated to whole-life change for individuals struggling with addiction by addressing spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, and relational issues. Since All Things New is a non-profit organization, we operate primarily off the generosity of donors. Residents are asked to express their commitment through monthly payments supplementing room and board, but the operating costs of our program far exceed these payments.
Donated funds assist in the areas of:
- counseling services
- facility construction and expenses
- resident scholarships
- program, supplies, and staffing
- and more.
We are now using as our new donation application. Click on the green button “Give to All Things New” to enter the secure portal and give by either credit card or bank transfer. If you would like to donate to a specific project, please let us know in the note section. Thank you for giving to All Things New.

If you would prefer to mail in your donation, please address it to:
All Things New
P.O. Box 367
Winona Lake, IN 46590